"Your Cold Call Script: One Mistake You Don't Want to Make"

A lot of sales people search the Internet for one magical cold call script, find one, try it, and well, fail to get appointments. Looking on the net for scripts has upsides and downsides.

Among the downsides are: the thought that one script is all that is needed for successful prospecting by phone. In fact, there are at least six different situations that come up when prospecting and you want to be ready for each scenario. Finding all of those scripts is not an easy task - and one script just won't do. Additionally, when you find a script by what criteria do you evaluate its effectiveness? How do you determine whether or not it is sound and when used will result in an appointment?

The upside of finding one cold call script is that when you know what to look for in a verbal exchange with a prospect and how to present yourself you will be well on your way to profiting from your prospecting calls.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that a cold call script is unimportant. Do look forward to the day when the words come so easily and naturally that to the outside observer your deliver has always been effortless. Stick with it and that day will come. The well-crafted prospecting script is the vehicle that gets you from here to there.

A good script has to do with paring down a conversational exchange to the essentials - and only the essentials. You say what is necessary to get the appointment and have conversational exit strategies that keep you from going down the path of talking too much.

Finding your rhythm with the words-to-say takes a little while. Everybody stumbles around in the beginning - that's called normal. Unfortunately, many give up on cold calling because they underestimate the value of a good script and their own ability to master the conversational exchange with leads, prospects, and clients.

Here's a script for an initial opening call that when combined with right mindset can open doors that will surprise even the best of sales professionals.

"(gatekeeper's name stated in the form of a question)?

My name is John, I am calling to schedule 20 minutes on (prospect's name) to see whether or not we can (increase revenues, decrease expenses, mitigate risk) by (percentage).

Do I schedule with (prospect's name) or you?"

The magic in the words has to do as much with what isn't there as what is there. In this script the caller avoids the temptation to explain too much; does not get caught up in the name of the company; and does not ask for permission from the gatekeeper to get an appointment.

The script does focus on the specific reason for call, an appointment - period.

The magic dust that makes it all work is in the caller's mind-set - owning the fact that you belong at the decision-maker's level - and knowing how to overturn objections that may come your way.

Recommended Resources

Cold Calling Techniques: That Really Work
Secrets to scheduling the executive-level sales call: How to win over the million-dollar decision maker

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