"CRM Software System Profits from these Cold Calling Metrics"

Sales professionals who want to rely on a CRM Software Systems to help leverage cold calling to bring in a significant percentage of new business have this to say about their company’s software:

“I don’t get information from the reports that will help me succeed in cold calling”

"Unfortunately CRM Software Systems don’t provide added value to cold callers. The science effectively steals time; keeps sellers from getting really good at cold calling - and seemingly handcuffs them to one of the tasks they are truly lousy at – data entry."

“I have to remember all of the steps and activities in my CRM's cold call process and to remember to do them all in the right order.”

Truth be known we sales pros are known for having a gift for gab, and ... no memory for processes; we leave that for those who are gifted in the areas of organization such as programmers and administrative support!

In light of these frustrations many members of management and sales pros alike have come to adopt a dangerous practice. A practice based on a false belief that is the kiss of death to the cold calling process, “I cannot measure; therefore I pretend measurement does not matter.”

In fact measurement matters very much.

Savvy sales leaders know, what you can measure, you can manage, what you can manage you can grow … exponentially. Choose the right CRM with a lead management system as part of the package can help you do that. You will want to read a select-few, free CRM whitepapers and details about what to watch out for when making your purchasing decisions.

Regardless of where you are in your new business development process– even if you don’t yet have a full grasp of what that means – you will raise your hand and say “count me it” to anyone who offers you CRM Software Systems that include:

• Metrics driven cold call process

• Displays sustainable best practices to get the most out of “hot” leads, marketing lists and/or current customers

• Converts leads to customers with the right activities, done in the right order, and done correctly

If you’ve been around the block in business you are driven by metrics and welcome metrics that:

• Measure performance

• Show sales management precisely the skills each sales pro needs to improve and to grow sales via effective cold calls

• Clearly show the ROI of current and best practices

So, how do you get to the science and away from growing layers of sticky notes and piles of notes on the back of cocktail napkins?

You’ll be glad to know that independent programmers are “out there” looking for ways to provide real Information Technology (IT) solutions for your pressing business systems problems. You can now look for (and find) software systems, known as “process engines” that:

• Fit “in front of” your current software

• Integrate seamlessly with your current system

• Transport clean, meaningful data into your current CRM Software System thereby equipping that system to forecast more accurately as envisioned by the designers of the software.

These new sciences serve the cold caller by breaking down the cold call process and measuring efficiencies, activities, and allowing a place to insert screens that display your best practices.

WARNING: cold calling processes and key metrics can vary widely from industry to industry and company to company. There is no one CRM that is all things to all cold callers. So before you buy, have a crystal-clear picture of your cold calling needs. The time you take up front to clarify your picture the more successful your CRM will help you become in the long-run.

If cold calling strategies are relied upon to bring in as much as 80% of your annual revenues - do you really want to pretend measurement doesn’t matter? Is it really “OK” that systems aren’t being implemented? Wouldn't you rather have profit-building options?

Recommended Resources

Lead Generation for the Complex Sale: Boost the Quality and Quantity of Leads to Increase Your ROI
Here you will find valuable (free) white papers. Yours for the taking, however, they are updated weekly. So, download what you want now and come back often!

Customer Relationship Management System
Driving Superior Business Results with Performance Insights

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